wait fuck i meant 101 because i just fanned you
Joined on 1/18/15
wait fuck i meant 101 because i just fanned you
cant stop me now motherfucker
I'm gonna unfan you just so I can fan you again
thanks my good best friend urbanfilms
Yo, congrats man! Keep it up!
dear freezepark - i have left a hurtful review on your piece called "supermega" and i feel the need to tell you that i regret what i said. super mega, is not called "stupidmega" and they are not "stupid", they are smart - and i am sorry for what i said.. can you forgive me
dear lepy - fuck you bitch. it wasn't called "supermega". it was called "SUPERMEGA!!!!!!!!!!!". get it fucking right.
oh wtf can there be more than one reply to a comment now??
EDIT: nevermind, freeze park please IGNORE THIS!
happy birthday me
I've received
make that 99 - unfanned!